when the time comes, that i would own my own house id llike to have a small room, in that room ill place nothing, not even an outlet, that room would be totally empty... just the walls and the cieling, this room would be a room only for me. That room would be the room where ill release what ever i feel. Id lock my self inside the room until im okay. Even if it means staying in that room for days, without food, water company and even light. Id stay quiet when ever ill be angry, i wont say anything bad or show any violence i;d just keep quiet. Id keep these burden bottled up in me, i know it would be hard and painfull but as long as i dont show any emotions i know it would be worth it , And if i were sad id use that room to be an instrument for self realizations, i'd need totall silence, i need no light to see, it would only be me, the room and its darkness
why would i need this room? If i have my beloved princess always there willling to comfort me and guide me? I dont need this room. I got you, I need you, I love you
why would i need this room? If i have my beloved princess always there willling to comfort me and guide me? I dont need this room. I got you, I need you, I love you