okay today is tuesday, 9/22/09
well :D me and Hime always talk during the morning before the bell rings, :D Hime tnx again for the visuals :D so okay :D in our room i just heard than "someone" printed the blog of anne, which contained things against some one, knowing that it contained things like that i looked for anne! well she wasnt there yet so i talked to dyan, and dyan was shocked to! .... and as well as czar and the others, well i am too, why would they print it? then again why would "she" blog it? blog is something open to everyone, and when your ganna print something from other people ask permission first, like what dyan did with my picture, she asked permisson first before printing, well anyway, being a person who likes hearing gossips (HAHA) i heard tha "she" mentioned "plurkers, cla wendang ate marga" okay so i didint hear mine being mentioned, :( joke i have a question... why mention other people? we understand you, but i dont understand why they... or we, are being included, well being a person who loves gossips, i might hear the wrong info, so i want to talk to you personally,


i was the only one willing to sing "happy birthday to sir marvin" ... they didint ride with me:( how sad :( (HAHA) HEY READ THIS " HINDUISMBUDDIISMO,HUDAISMO,KRISTYANISMO,SHINTOISMO,CONFUCIANISMO,TAOSIMO ISLAM AT IBA PANG RELIHIYON"

AP was next

sir glenn made us write something for strike revilla :D like haha okay, come to think of it who is the mayor of imus? (HAHA) oh well i didnt finish my letter :D

ate siomai :D

I just read the bible in front of the class and thats it... i just stayed quiet in my seat, not in the mood to do anything

tcher reminded us about a major offence .... so okay i just cleaned my blog :D
and I presented my oral comm properly :D YAY :D TNX HIME :D


I ate chicken and spent all my money... i guess i was in the mood to eat. :D
i was looking at this kid and i noticed hime standing behind the kid :D haha i was surprised :D

we took this quiz and i was totally empty :D i guess i only got 5 points in that quiz :D
i need speaker! my speaker got broke

my mood totally changed that time, i wanted to listen :P hahah wholesome!


well i didint listen to the new topic i was busy thinking of.... and i was also being ...... thats why i wasnt in the mood to listen and talk to anyone, but since i know how to hide what i feel i kept looking at chin's notebook.... (HAHA)


WOW i really want to post every write up in RHGP when i get em back :D

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took my time getting my things inside the locker :D and when i was already down stairs i heard the gossip, and i was really suprised that she emntioned names, oh well, i went out and was off to or house :D oh yah i have weights in my room, and a big punching bag and a bubble :D wow :D

and now im in my room blogging .... feeling down and stuff ... ;( :(

thats it, im done ...

untill next time

every second makes me miss hime even more :( and guess what there are 60 seconds every minute and there are 60 minutes every hour...... I REALLY REALLY MISS HIME :(
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